Sunday, January 11, 2015


Hey everyone! After thinking long and hard, I'm going to merge my two blogs.

This one was created for the "light" stuff like fashion, beauty and giveaways and has been up and running for a short amount of time.  My other blog has been for the "deep" parts of my life only and has been running for years.  I've got more traffic and subscribers there, too.

It's a new year, and I'm trying something new.  A merge of the two!

Now you'll have it ALL in one spot.  The personal, the fluff, the incentives for YOU awesome followers  to join me on my journey and so much more!

So GO!

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, because I have a TON of goodies in store for  you for this new year!

|||   TheShapeshiftingPoet   |||

Thanks so much for reading and supporting! Happy 2015!

Deena Marie


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